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Bases: Serializable, ABC

Base class for a minecraft type structure.

Bases: MCType

Minecraft chat message representation.

__eq__(other: object) -> bool

Check equality between two chat messages.

..warning: This is purely using the raw field, which means it's possible that a chat message that appears the same, but was representing in a different way will fail this equality check.

as_dict() -> RawChatMessageDict

Convert received raw into a stadard :class:dict form.

Bases: TypedDict

Dictionary structure of JSON chat messages when serialized.


mcproto.types.nbt.FromObjectSchema module-attribute

FromObjectSchema: TypeAlias = Union['type[NBTag]', 'type[NBTagConvertible]', 'Sequence[FromObjectSchema]', 'Mapping[str, FromObjectSchema]']

Represents the type of a schema, used to define how an object should be converted to an NBT tag(s).

mcproto.types.nbt.FromObjectType module-attribute

FromObjectType: TypeAlias = Union[int, float, bytes, str, 'NBTagConvertible', 'Sequence[FromObjectType]', 'Mapping[str, FromObjectType]']

Represents any object holding some data that can be converted to an NBT tag(s).

mcproto.types.nbt.PayloadType module-attribute

PayloadType: TypeAlias = Union[int, float, bytes, str, 'NBTag', 'Sequence[PayloadType]', 'Mapping[str, PayloadType]']

Represents the type of a payload that can be stored in an NBT tag.

mcproto.types.nbt.__all__ module-attribute

__all__ = ['ByteArrayNBT', 'ByteNBT', 'CompoundNBT', 'DoubleNBT', 'EndNBT', 'FloatNBT', 'IntArrayNBT', 'IntNBT', 'ListNBT', 'LongArrayNBT', 'LongNBT', 'NBTag', 'NBTagConvertible', 'NBTagType', 'ShortNBT', 'StringNBT']

Implementation of the NBT (Named Binary Tag) format used in Minecraft as described in the NBT specification

Source : Minecraft NBT Spec <>_

Named Binary Tag specification

NBT (Named Binary Tag) is a tag based binary format designed to carry large amounts of binary data with smaller amounts of additional data. An NBT file consists of a single GZIPped Named Tag of type TAG_Compound.

A Named Tag has the following format:

byte tagType
TAG_String name
  • The tagType is a single byte defining the contents of the payload of the tag.
  • The name is a descriptive name, and can be anything (eg "cat", "banana", "Hello World!"). The purpose for this name is to name tags so parsing is easier and can be made to only look for certain recognized tag names. Exception: If tagType is TAG_End, the name is skipped and assumed to be "".
  • The [payload] varies by tagType.

Note that ONLY Named Tags carry the name and tagType data. Explicitly identified Tags (such as TAG_String) only contains the payload.

.. seealso:: :class:NBTagType


Bases: NBTag

NBT tag representing an array of bytes. The length of the array is stored as a signed 32-bit integer.


__bytes__() -> bytes

Get the bytes value of the ByteArrayNBT tag.


Bases: _NumberNBTag

NBT tag representing a single byte value, represented as a signed 8-bit integer.


Bases: NBTag

NBT tag representing a compound of named tags.


__eq__(other: object) -> bool

Check equality between two CompoundNBT tags.

:param other: The other CompoundNBT tag to compare to.

:return: True if the tags are equal, False otherwise.

.. note:: The order of the tags is not guaranteed, but the names of the tags must match. This function assumes that there are no duplicate tags in the compound.



Iterate over the tags in the compound.


Bases: _FloatingNBTag

NBT tag representing a double-precision floating-point value, represented as a 64-bit IEEE 754-2008 binary64.


Bases: NBTag

Sentinel tag used to mark the end of a TAG_Compound.


Bases: _FloatingNBTag

NBT tag representing a floating-point value, represented as a 32-bit IEEE 754-2008 binary32 value.


Bases: _NumberArrayNBTag

NBT tag representing an array of integers. The length of the array is stored as a signed 32-bit integer.


Bases: _NumberNBTag

NBT tag representing an integer value, represented as a signed 32-bit integer.


Bases: NBTag

NBT tag representing a list of tags. All tags in the list must be of the same type.


__iter__() -> Iterator[NBTag]

Iterate over the tags in the list.


Bases: _NumberArrayNBTag

NBT tag representing an array of longs. The length of the array is stored as a signed 32-bit integer.


Bases: _NumberNBTag

NBT tag representing a long value, represented as a signed 64-bit integer.


Bases: MCType, NBTagConvertible, ABC

Base class for NBT tags.

In MC v1.20.2+ the type and name of the root tag is not written to the buffer, and unless specified, the type of the tag is assumed to be TAG_Compound.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTag.value abstractmethod property

value: PayloadType

Get the payload of the NBT tag in a python-friendly format.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTag.deserialize classmethod

deserialize(buf: Buffer, with_name: bool = True, with_type: bool = True) -> NBTag

Deserialize the NBT tag.

:param buf: The buffer to read from. :param with_name: Whether to read the name of the tag. (Passed to :meth:_read_header) :param with_type: Whether to read the type of the tag. (Passed to :meth:_read_header) :return: The deserialized NBT tag.

This tag will be an instance of the class, that is associated with the tag type
obtained from :meth:`_read_header` (see: :const:`ASSOCIATED_TYPES`).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTag.from_object staticmethod

from_object(data: FromObjectType, schema: FromObjectSchema, name: str = '') -> NBTag

Create an NBT tag from a python object and a schema.

:param data: The python object to create the NBT tag from. :param schema: The schema used to create the NBT tags.

This is a description of the types of the ``data`` in the python object.
It can be a subclass of :class:`NBTag` (e.g. :class:`IntNBT`, :class:`StringNBT`, :class:`CompoundNBT`,
etc.), a :class:`dict`, a :class:`list`, a :class:`tuple`, or a class that has a `to_nbt` method.

Example of schema:

.. code-block:: python

    schema = {
        "string": StringNBT,
        "list_of_floats": [FloatNBT],
        "list_of_compounds": [{
            "key": StringNBT,
            "value": IntNBT,
        "list_of_lists": [[IntNBT], [StringNBT]],

This would be translated into a :class:`CompoundNBT`.

:param name: The name of the NBT tag. :return: The NBT tag created from the python object.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTag.read_from abstractmethod classmethod

read_from(buf: Buffer, with_type: bool = True, with_name: bool = True) -> NBTag

Read the NBT tag from the buffer.

Implementation shortcut used in :meth:deserialize. (Subclasses can override this, avoiding some repetition when compared to overriding deserialize directly.)


serialize(with_type: bool = True, with_name: bool = True) -> Buffer

Serialize the NBT tag to a new buffer.

:param with_type: Whether to include the type of the tag in the serialization. (Passed to :meth:_write_header) :param with_name: Whether to include the name of the tag in the serialization. (Passed to :meth:_write_header) :return: The buffer containing the serialized NBT tag.

.. note:: The with_type and with_name parameters only control the first level of serialization.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTag.serialize_to abstractmethod

serialize_to(buf: Buffer, with_type: bool = True, with_name: bool = True) -> None

Serialize the NBT tag to a buffer.

:param buf: The buffer to write to. :param with_type: Whether to include the type of the tag in the serialization. :param with_name: Whether to include the name of the tag in the serialization.

.. seealso:: :meth:serialize


to_nbt(name: str = '') -> NBTag

Convert the object to an NBT tag.

.. warning:: This is already an NBT tag, so it will modify the name of the tag and return itself.


to_object(include_schema: bool = False, include_name: bool = False) -> PayloadType | Mapping[str, PayloadType] | tuple[PayloadType | Mapping[str, PayloadType], FromObjectSchema]

Convert the NBT tag to a python object.

:param include_schema: Whether to return a schema describing the types of the original tag. :param include_name: Whether to include the name of the tag in the output. If the tag has no name, the name will be set to "".

:return: Either of: * A python object representing the payload of the tag. (default) * A dictionary containing the name associated with a python object representing the payload of the tag. * A tuple which includes one of the above and a schema describing the types of the original tag.


Bases: Protocol

Protocol for objects that can be converted to an NBT tag.


to_nbt(name: str = '') -> NBTag

Convert the object to an NBT tag.

:param name: The name of the tag. :return: The NBT tag created from the object.


Bases: IntEnum

Enumeration of the different types of NBT tags.

See the documentation of the individual variants for more information.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.BYTE class-attribute instance-attribute

BYTE = 1

A single signed byte (8 bits).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.BYTE_ARRAY class-attribute instance-attribute


The payload is a TAG_Int representing the length, followed by an array of bytes.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.COMPOUND class-attribute instance-attribute


A sequential list of Named Tags. This array keeps going until a TAG_End is found.

  • If there's a nested TAG_Compound within this tag, that one will also have a TAG_End, so simply reading until the next TAG_End will not work.
  • The names of the named tags have to be unique within each TAG_Compound.
  • The order of the tags is not guaranteed.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.DOUBLE class-attribute instance-attribute


A floating point value (64 bits, big endian, IEEE 754-2008, binary64).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.END class-attribute instance-attribute

END = 0

This tag is used to mark the end of a list. It doesn't carry any payload, and it cannot be named!

If this type appears where a Named Tag is expected, the name is assumed to be "". (In other words, this Tag is always just a single 0x00 byte when named, and nothing in all other cases)

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.FLOAT class-attribute instance-attribute


A floating point value (32 bits, big endian, IEEE 754-2008, binary32).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.INT class-attribute instance-attribute

INT = 3

A signed integer (32 bits, big endian).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.INT_ARRAY class-attribute instance-attribute


The payload is a TAG_Int representing the length, followed by an array of TAG_Int elements.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.LIST class-attribute instance-attribute

LIST = 9

The payload is a TAG_Byte representing the type of the items in the list, followed by a TAG_Int representing the length of the list, followed by an array of NBTags.

All the tags in the list must be of the same type.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.LONG class-attribute instance-attribute

LONG = 4

A signed long (64 bits, big endian).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.LONG_ARRAY class-attribute instance-attribute


The payload is a TAG_Int representing the length, followed by an array of TAG_Long elements.

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.SHORT class-attribute instance-attribute


A signed short (16 bits, big endian).

mcproto.types.nbt.NBTagType.STRING class-attribute instance-attribute


The payload is a TAG_Short representing the length, followed by an array of bytes, holding a string in UTF-8 format.


Bases: _NumberNBTag

NBT tag representing a short value, represented as a signed 16-bit integer.


Bases: NBTag

NBT tag representing an UTF-8 string value. The length of the string is stored as a signed 16-bit integer.



Bases: UUID, MCType

Minecraft UUID type.

In order to support potential future changes in protocol version, and implement McType, this is a custom subclass, however it is currently compatible with the stdlib's uuid.UUID.