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Protocol documentation

This is the documentation for components related to interactions with the minecraft protocol and connection establishing.


Bases: ABC

Base class holding asynchronous read buffer/connection interactions. abstractmethod async

read(length: int) -> bytes

Underlying read method, obtaining the raw data.

All of the reader functions will eventually call this method.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_ascii async

read_ascii() -> str

Read ISO-8859-1 encoded string, until we encounter NULL (0x00) at the end indicating string end.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_bytearray async

read_bytearray() -> bytes

Read an arbitrary sequence of bytes, prefixed with a varint of it's size.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_optional async

read_optional(reader: Callable[[], Awaitable[R]]) -> R | None

Read a bool showing if a value is present, if so, also reads this value with reader function.

  • When False is read, the function will not read anything and None is returned.
  • When True is read, the reader function is called, and it's return value is forwarded.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_utf async

read_utf() -> str

Read a UTF-8 encoded string, prefixed with a varint of it's size (in bytes).

The maximum amount of UTF-8 characters is limited to 32767.

Individual UTF-8 characters can take up to 4 bytes, however most of the common ones take up less. Assuming the worst case of 4 bytes per every character, at most 131068 data bytes will be read + 3 additional bytes from the varint encoding overhead.

:raises IOError: * If the prefix varint is bigger than the maximum (131068) bytes, the string will not be read at all, and :exc:IOError will be raised immediately. * If the received string has more than the maximum amount of characters (32767). Note that in this case, the string will still get read in it's entirety, since it fits into the maximum bytes limit (131068), which was simply read at once. This limitation is here only to replicate the behavior of minecraft's implementation.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_value async

read_value(fmt: INT_FORMATS_TYPE) -> int
read_value(fmt: FLOAT_FORMATS_TYPE) -> float
read_value(fmt: Literal[BOOL]) -> bool
read_value(fmt: Literal[CHAR]) -> str
read_value(fmt: StructFormat) -> object

Read a value as given struct format (fmt) in big-endian mode.

The amount of bytes to read will be determined based on the struct format automatically.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_varint async

read_varint() -> int

Read a 32-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._read_varuint.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncReader.read_varlong async

read_varlong() -> int

Read a 64-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._read_varuint.


Bases: ABC

Base class holding asynchronous write buffer/connection interactions.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write abstractmethod async

write(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Underlying write method, sending/storing the data.

All of the writer functions will eventually call this method.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_ascii async

write_ascii(value: str) -> None

Write ISO-8859-1 encoded string, with NULL (0x00) at the end to indicate string end.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_bytearray async

write_bytearray(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Write an arbitrary sequence of bytes, prefixed with a varint of it's size.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_optional async

write_optional(value: T | None, /, writer: Callable[[T], Awaitable[R]]) -> R | None

Write a bool showing if a value is present, if so, also writes this value with writer function.

  • When value is None, a bool of False will be written, and None is returned.
  • When value is not None, a bool of True is written, after which the writer function is called, and the return value is forwarded.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_utf async

write_utf(value: str) -> None

Write a UTF-8 encoded string, prefixed with a varint of it's size (in bytes).

The maximum amount of UTF-8 characters is limited to 32767.

Individual UTF-8 characters can take up to 4 bytes, however most of the common ones take up less. Assuming the worst case of 4 bytes per every character, at most 131068 data bytes will be written + 3 additional bytes from the varint encoding overhead.

:raises ValueError: If the given string value has more characters than the allowed maximum (32767).

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_value async

write_value(fmt: INT_FORMATS_TYPE, value: int) -> None
write_value(fmt: FLOAT_FORMATS_TYPE, value: float) -> None
write_value(fmt: Literal[BOOL], value: bool) -> None
write_value(fmt: Literal[CHAR], value: str) -> None
write_value(fmt: StructFormat, value: object) -> None

Write a given value as given struct format (fmt) in big-endian mode.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_varint async

write_varint(value: int) -> None

Write a 32-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._write_varuint.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseAsyncWriter.write_varlong async

write_varlong(value: int) -> None

Write a 64-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._write_varuint.


Bases: ABC

Base class holding synchronous read buffer/connection interactions. abstractmethod

read(length: int) -> bytes

Underlying read method, obtaining the raw data.

All of the reader functions will eventually call this method.


read_ascii() -> str

Read ISO-8859-1 encoded string, until we encounter NULL (0x00) at the end indicating string end.


read_bytearray() -> bytes

Read an arbitrary sequence of bytes, prefixed with a varint of it's size.


read_optional(reader: Callable[[], R]) -> R | None

Read a bool showing if a value is present, if so, also reads this value with reader function.

  • When False is read, the function will not read anything and None is returned.
  • When True is read, the reader function is called, and it's return value is forwarded.


read_utf() -> str

Read a UTF-8 encoded string, prefixed with a varint of it's size (in bytes).

The maximum amount of UTF-8 characters is limited to 32767.

Individual UTF-8 characters can take up to 4 bytes, however most of the common ones take up less. Assuming the worst case of 4 bytes per every character, at most 131068 data bytes will be read + 3 additional bytes from the varint encoding overhead.

:raises IOError: * If the prefix varint is bigger than the maximum (131068) bytes, the string will not be read at all, and :exc:IOError will be raised immediately. * If the received string has more than the maximum amount of characters (32767). Note that in this case, the string will still get read in it's entirety, since it fits into the maximum bytes limit (131068), which was simply read at once. This limitation is here only to replicate the behavior of minecraft's implementation.


read_value(fmt: INT_FORMATS_TYPE) -> int
read_value(fmt: FLOAT_FORMATS_TYPE) -> float
read_value(fmt: Literal[BOOL]) -> bool
read_value(fmt: Literal[CHAR]) -> str
read_value(fmt: StructFormat) -> object

Read a value into given struct format in big-endian mode.

The amount of bytes to read will be determined based on the struct format automatically.


read_varint() -> int

Read a 32-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._read_varuint.


read_varlong() -> int

Read a 64-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._read_varuint.


Bases: ABC

Base class holding synchronous write buffer/connection interactions.

mcproto.protocol.base_io.BaseSyncWriter.write abstractmethod

write(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Underlying write method, sending/storing the data.

All of the writer functions will eventually call this method.


write_ascii(value: str) -> None

Write ISO-8859-1 encoded string, with NULL (0x00) at the end to indicate string end.


write_bytearray(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Write an arbitrary sequence of bytes, prefixed with a varint of it's size.


write_optional(value: T | None, /, writer: Callable[[T], R]) -> R | None

Write a bool showing if a value is present, if so, also writes this value with writer function.

  • When value is None, a bool of False will be written, and None is returned.
  • When value is not None, a bool of True is written, after which the writer function is called, and the return value is forwarded.


write_utf(value: str) -> None

Write a UTF-8 encoded string, prefixed with a varint of it's size (in bytes).

The maximum amount of UTF-8 characters is limited to 32767.

Individual UTF-8 characters can take up to 4 bytes, however most of the common ones take up less. Assuming the worst case of 4 bytes per every character, at most 131068 data bytes will be written + 3 additional bytes from the varint encoding overhead.

:raises ValueError: If the given string value has more characters than the allowed maximum (32767).


write_value(fmt: INT_FORMATS_TYPE, value: int) -> None
write_value(fmt: FLOAT_FORMATS_TYPE, value: float) -> None
write_value(fmt: Literal[BOOL], value: bool) -> None
write_value(fmt: Literal[CHAR], value: str) -> None
write_value(fmt: StructFormat, value: object) -> None

Write a given value as given struct format (fmt) in big-endian mode.


write_varint(value: int) -> None

Write a 32-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._write_varuint.


write_varlong(value: int) -> None

Write a 64-bit signed integer in a variable length format.

For more information about variable length format check :meth:._write_varuint docstring.


Bases: str, Enum

All possible write/read struct types.

.. seealso: :module:struct module documentation.


Bases: BaseSyncWriter, BaseSyncReader, bytearray

In-memory bytearray-like buffer supporting the common read/write operations.

mcproto.buffer.Buffer.remaining property

remaining: int

Get the amount of bytes that's still remaining in the buffer to be read.


clear(only_already_read: bool = False) -> None

Clear out the stored data and reset position.

:param only_already_read: When set to True, only the data that was already marked as read will be cleared, and the position will be reset (to start at the remaining data). This can be useful for avoiding needlessly storing large amounts of data in memory, if this data is no longer useful.

Otherwise, if set to ``False``, all of the data is cleared, and the position is reset,
essentially resulting in a blank buffer.


flush() -> bytes

Read all of the remaining data in the buffer and clear it out.

read(length: int) -> bytes

Read data stored in the buffer.

Reading data doesn't remove that data, rather that data is treated as already read, and next read will start from the first unread byte. If freeing the data is necessary, check the :meth:.clear function.

:param length: Amount of bytes to be read.

If the requested amount can't be read (buffer doesn't contain that much data/buffer
doesn't contain any data), an :exc:`IOError` will be reaised.

If there were some data in the buffer, but it was less than requested, this remaining
data will still be depleted and the partial data that was read will be a part of the
error message in the :exc:`IOError`. This behavior is here to mimic reading from a real
socket connection.


reset() -> None

Reset the position in the buffer.

Since the buffer doesn't automatically clear the already read data, it is possible to simply reset the position and read the data it contains again.


write(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Write/Store given data into the buffer.


Bases: BaseAsyncReader, BaseAsyncWriter, ABC

Base class for all classes handling asynchronous connections.

mcproto.connection.AsyncConnection.close async

close() -> None

Close the connection (it cannot be used after this).


enable_encryption(shared_secret: bytes) -> None

Enable encryption for this connection, using the shared_secret.

After calling this method, the reading and writing process for this connection will be altered, and any future communication will be encrypted/decrypted there.

You will need to call this method after sending the :class:~mcproto.packets.login.login.LoginEncryptionResponse packet.

:param shared_secret: This is the cipher key for the AES symetric cipher used for the encryption.

See :func:`mcproto.encryption.generate_shared_secret`.

mcproto.connection.AsyncConnection.make_client abstractmethod async classmethod

make_client(address: tuple[str, int], timeout: float) -> Self

Construct a client connection (Client -> Server) to given server address.

:param address: Address of the server to connection to. :param timeout: Amount of seconds to wait for the connection to be established. If connection can't be established within this time, :exc:TimeoutError will be raised. This timeout is then also used for any further data receiving. async

read(length: int) -> bytes

Receive data sent through the connection.

Depending on :attr:encryption_enabled flag (set from :meth:enable_encryption), this might also perform a decryption of the received data.

:param length: Amount of bytes to be received. If the requested amount can't be received (server didn't send that much data/server didn't send any data), an :exc:IOError will be raised.

mcproto.connection.AsyncConnection.write async

write(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Send given data over the connection.

Depending on :attr:encryption_enabled flag (set from :meth:enable_encryption), this might also perform an encryption of the input data.


Bases: BaseSyncReader, BaseSyncWriter, ABC

Base class for all classes handling synchronous connections.


close() -> None

Close the connection (it cannot be used after this).


enable_encryption(shared_secret: bytes) -> None

Enable encryption for this connection, using the shared_secret.

After calling this method, the reading and writing process for this connection will be altered, and any future communication will be encrypted/decrypted there.

You will need to call this method after sending the :class:~mcproto.packets.login.login.LoginEncryptionResponse packet.

:param shared_secret: This is the cipher key for the AES symetric cipher used for the encryption.

See :func:`mcproto.encryption.generate_shared_secret`.

mcproto.connection.SyncConnection.make_client abstractmethod classmethod

make_client(address: tuple[str, int], timeout: float) -> Self

Construct a client connection (Client -> Server) to given server address.

:param address: Address of the server to connection to. :param timeout: Amount of seconds to wait for the connection to be established. If connection can't be established within this time, :exc:TimeoutError will be raised. This timeout is then also used for any further data receiving.

read(length: int) -> bytes

Receive data sent through the connection.

Depending on :attr:encryption_enabled flag (set from :meth:enable_encryption), this might also perform a decryption of the received data.

:param length: Amount of bytes to be received. If the requested amount can't be received (server didn't send that much data/server didn't send any data), an :exc:IOError will be raised.


write(data: bytes | bytearray) -> None

Send given data over the connection.

Depending on :attr:encryption_enabled flag (set from :meth:enable_encryption), this might also perform an encryption of the input data.


Bases: AsyncConnection, Generic[T_STREAMREADER, T_STREAMWRITER]

Asynchronous TCP connection using :class:~asyncio.StreamWriter and :class:~asyncio.StreamReader.

mcproto.connection.TCPAsyncConnection.socket property

socket: socket

Obtain the underlying socket behind the :class:~asyncio.Transport.


Bases: SyncConnection, Generic[T_SOCK]

Synchronous connection using a TCP :class:~socket.socket.


Bases: AsyncConnection, Generic[T_DATAGRAM_CLIENT]

Asynchronous UDP connection using :class:~asyncio_dgram.DatagramClient.


Bases: SyncConnection, Generic[T_SOCK]

Synchronous connection using a UDP :class:~socket.socket.