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This page is missing a guide on ruff editor integration

Style Guide


This page describes how we use ruff to enforce a consistent code style in our project.

For clarity and readability, adhering to a consistent code style across the whole project is very important. It is not unusual that style adjustments will be requested in pull requests.

It is always a good practice to review the style of the existing code-base before and to adhere to that established style before adding something new. That applies even if it isn't the code style you generally prefer. (That said, if you think a code style change of some kind would be justified, feel free to open an issue about it and tell us why.)


A style guide is about consistency. Consistency with this style guide is important. Consistency within a project is more important. Consistency within one module or function is the most important.

However, know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes style guide recommendations just aren't applicable. When in doubt, use your best judgment. Look at other examples and decide what looks best. And don't hesitate to ask!

PEP 8, the general Style Guide for Python Code

Check out the PEP8 song

The Python Discord community have made an amazing song about PEP8, check it out here!

Automatic linting

As there is a lot of various code style rules we adhere to in our code base, describing all of them here would take way too long and it would be impossible to remember anyway. For that reason, we use automated tools to help us catch any code style violations automatically.

Currently, we use ruff to enforce most of our code style requirements. That said, we do have some other tools that check the correctness of the code, we will describe those later.

Ruff linter & formatter

Ruff is an all-in-one linter & formatter solution, which aims to replace three previously very popular tools into a single package:

Why pick ruff over the combination of these tools?

There were multiple reasons why we chose ruff instead of using the above tools individually, here's just some of them:

  • Ruff is faster (written in rust! 🦀)
  • A single tool is more convenient than 3 separate ones
  • Ruff includes a lot of flake8 plugins with some great lint rules
  • Ruff has a great community and is slowly managing to overtake these individual projects
  • If you're already used to flake8, you'll feel right at home with ruff, it even has the same error codes (mostly)!

You can check the ruff configuration we're using in pyproject.toml file, under the [tool.ruff] category (and it's subcategories). You can find which linter rules are enabled and which we choose to exclude, some file-specific overrides where the rules apply differently and a bunch of other configuration options.


To run ruff linter on the code, open the terminal in the project's root directory and run:

ruff check .

Don't forget to activate the poetry virtual environment before running ruff.

Ruff is really smart and it can often automatically fix some of the style violations it found. To make ruff do that, you can add the --fix flag to the command:

ruff check --fix .

If you got a rule violation in your code and you don't understand what the rule's purpose is supposed to be / why we enforce it, you can use Ruff to show you some details about that rule. The explanation that ruff will give you will often even contain code examples. To achieve this, simply run:

ruff rule [rule-id]

With the [rule-id] being the rule you're interested in, for example UP038.

Use glow to render the markdown syntax from ruff rule command

The ruff rule command will output the rule explanation in markdown, however, since you're running this comand in a terminal, there won't be any helpful syntax highlighting for that by default.

That's why I'd recommend using a markdown render such as glow. With it, you can pipe the output from ruff into it and have it produce a fancy colored output, that's much easier to read: ruff rule UP038 | glow.

Alternatively, you can also find the rules and their description in the ruff documentation.


On top of being an amazing linter, ruff is also an automatic code formatter. That means ruff can actually make your code follow a proper and style automatically! It will just take your original unformatted (but valid) python code and edit it to meet our configured code style for you.

To make ruff format your code, simply run:

ruff format .

Editor integration


Other style guidelines

While ruff can do a lot, it can't do everything. There are still some guidelines that you will need to read over and apply manually. You will find these guides on the next pages of this documentation.